Commercial Cultivation Essentials with Krysta Jones and Sanja Ganja (2CannUCC1)
Cannabis Cultivation
Commercial Cultivation Essentials with Krysta Jones and Sanja Ganja (2CannUCC1)
Learn how to optimize your cultivation through basic practices and knowledge with Krysta Jones and Sanja Ganja of the THC GIRLS. Get insider information on optimal growing practices, so you can flourish in your green thumb endeavors. With a...
Cannabis Processing - An Introduction (3CannUCP1)
Cannabis Processing
Cannabis Processing - An Introduction (3CannUCP1)
The goal of this course is to familiarize learners with the various cannabis purification and processing techniques, with a particular focus on distillation and extraction. We will explore commonly manufactured products, how they are made,...
Introduction to Business Emergency Preparedness Planning (BC001)
Introduction to Business Emergency Preparedness Planning (BC001)
Do you ever feel the business world is like Groundhog Day? Routines going round, and round, day in, day out. While this can get a little tedious, it’s comforting to know what’s around the next corner. But what would happen if an emergency...
Unlocking Your Potential (CM001)
Unlocking Your Potential (CM001)
Do you ever feel like you’re capable of, well, more? You know deep down you should be reaching for the stars but instead you go through your days feeling more like you’re lost in space. Well, maybe it’s time for you to unlock your true...
Discovering Your Strengths and Weaknesses (CM003)
Discovering Your Strengths and Weaknesses (CM003)
To succeed in your career, you need to be able to identify the things you’re good at. Whether you realize it or not, you have your own unique talents and skills that form your personal strengths at work. By discovering these strengths, you can...
Working Smart (CM007)
Working Smart (CM007)
It’s natural to feel pride about doing a good job and to want to be recognized for doing so. But it’s easy to feel like pushing yourself to breaking point is the only way to perform well. Your well-being is always important and should be...
Setting Stretch Goals (CM009)
Setting Stretch Goals (CM009)
We’ve all set New Year’s resolutions that we knew, deep down, we wouldn’t keep. It’s easy to assume the goals you set to quit sugar or go running every day were just too hard and that’s why you didn’t achieve them. But what if,...
The Key Values of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (DI001)
Diversity and Inclusion
The Key Values of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (DI001)
Most organizations are aware of equality, diversity, and inclusion (or ED&I) and how they can positively impact the workplace. Unfortunately, however, many businesses might only implement the diversity part such as hiring employees from untapped...
Recognizing Your Privilege (DI003)
Diversity and Inclusion
Recognizing Your Privilege (DI003)
Many of us have privileges. Owning a car, going to college, and even having a device to read this information on are all privileges. But there are much more substantial ones that can significantly impact our lives and jobs. Privilege is a...
Confronting Discrimination (DI008)
Diversity and Inclusion
Confronting Discrimination (DI008)
It can be challenging to understand the importance of confronting discrimination. Even the word confront carries negative connotations that can make both targets of discrimination and witnesses to discrimination feel unsafe and unsure. But...

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